24/7 Software

24/7 Software is an operations management platform that serves some of the world's largest entertainment venues, working behind the scenes to enable real-time communication and maximize efficiency. I redesigned their website to knock their brand presence out of the park.


Web design




UI Designer, SmartBug Media

Demonstration of logo carousel in the hero section of the homepage

The challenge

If you've been to a concert, sporting event, amusement park, convention center, or even an airport, chances are you've been inside a facility running on 24/7 Software. Their U.S. customers include over 80 percent of North America's four major sports leagues, and international customers include the O2 Arena in London, Lord's Cricket Ground in London, and Melbourne & Olympic Parks in Australia.

24/7 Software needed a new website that clearly explained the value of their proactive management solution. Their software makes venue operations easy for everyone on the team, but their website was unapproachable and dated, with a dull blue color palette that was way off base.

Desktop mockup of final designMobile mockup of final design
Demonstration of hover effect on buttons next to an example of the illustration style

The solution

24/7's redesigned website is a brand new ballgame. A scrolling carousel of clients immediately positions 24/7 as an expert in the field. The color palette has been expanded to include a sporty orange, and buttons utilize gradients with a slick hover effect to encourage clicks. Finally, the introduction of textures, illustrations, and shapes helps the site feel both playful and contemporary.

Full homepage design for 24/7 Software
Dropdown menu with an item selectedIllustrations of scenes from sports and workExamples of device mockups showcasing 24/7 Software


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