Asymbl Staffing & Recruiting

Asymbl is a flexible applicant tracking system (ATS) and timesheet software that integrates with Salesforce for maximum customization. I designed a new website to showcase what makes them better than traditional staffing and recruiting software.


Web design




UI Designer, SmartBug Media

Hero section from Asymbl homepage

The challenge

Asymbl leverages the power of Salesforce to optimize staffing and recruiting processes with their signature "bolt-on" approach. The fully native Salesforce app allows customers to build exactly what they need, all in one place, without paying for expensive custom software.

Despite their mission to modernize staffing and recruiting operations, Asymbl's website felt dated and bland. They needed a major makeover to increase lead generation outside of the Salesforce marketplace and educate customers about their unique value proposition.

Desktop mockup of final designMobile mockup of final design
Demonstration of hover animation on images

The solution

Asymbl's new website looks like it belongs in the Salesforce ecosystem while retaining its own voice. Arcing section dividers and subtle clouds evoke the Salesforce brand, while full-color icons and circular elements create a sense of playfulness and depth. Certain images move when hovered over, gently nudging the user to click.

Full homepage design for Asymbl
Dropdown menu with an item selectedSide-by-side price comparison module on an internal page


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